
Saturday, December 14, 2013

Formation of africa.

SCRAMBLE FOR AFRICA Egypt: For years, Egypt was masterd by a group called the ottomans. In 1811 Albanian Mohammed Ali took power and under his rule the economy and theme expanded. Britain grew conf utilize about Egypts power, so in 1870 the cut and British used the governments overspending as an excuse to take dual control. in the end riots prompted British military occupation. ALGERIA: In 1830 the French came and occupied Algeria. Abd al kadir called for a Berber ji-had and the French did not defeat them until 1847 when al- kadir was exiled. Fighting go on until 20th century. TUNISIA: At the arising of the nineteenth century Tunisia had a really prosperous economy, because Ahmed Bey brought them modernization. Eventualy the French used the countries debts as excuse to make there. MOROCCO: Morocco stayed freelance until 19th century. Mawlay ah- Hasan modernized the plain with European mien although he met exemption. The rural area eventually lost their liberty in 1912 between France and Spain. LIBYA: This out comeish stayed under Ottoman rule until Italy invaded in 1911 and the Ottoman resistance collapsed. The Italians were defied until Umar al Mukhtar was executed in 1931. SENEGAL: In 1854 Faidherbe began his French conquest of the Senegal valley.
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In 1863 Porto Novo was declared the French protectorate and after that a serial publication of treaties followed. south AFRICA: A group called the Boers had escaped from Holland to South Africa and were living there. In 1899 the British invaded and a war (known as the Boer war) continued on until 1902. The British defeated the Boers and put them in concentration cam! ps. ETHIOPIA: This country remained independent for two reasons. First they were highly evolved and it would be very problematic to take over their structured government. Second the land was mostly made up of desert and... If you want to raise up a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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